Now with a little more flair (and goons!)

Hi folks! 'Tis been awhile since since I've updated, but at least I have a substantial update this time :)

Starting with the bigger parts of the update, introducing the goons!

Goons are little mischief makers that show up on the map and interfere with the Mouse's cheese capturing campaign. They each have a unique look and unique behaviors. Here's a quick run down on the two goons being introduced this time:

Dizzy Mole

Just a little underminer!

Dizzy Moles spawn frequently and can pop up anywhere. Look out for dirt moving about on its own, a telltale sign of an emerging Dizzy Mole.

Dizzy Moles have slow and erratic movement. Bumping into a Dizzy Mole will knock them out, but will also deplete 50% of your vibes!

Dizzy Moles eventually get tired and go back underground, at which point they won't be a bother.

Fighty Lobster

Watch out for their big meaty claws!

Fighty Lobsters spawn off screen and briskly saunter towards the other edge of the screen. They always travel in a straight line and never stop for anything.

Fighty Lobsters may be pretty basic, but they'll deplete 75% of your vibes on contact! Good thing they're knocked out in one bump.

If you need to see these summaries again later, don't worry: there's a little guide in-game that you can click to get the same information.

With the introduction of goons, there's now a new condition to ending the game; if the Mouse's vibes ever fall to 50 or below, the Mouse will then be knocked out! Bumping into a goon will deplete the Mouse's vibes, and the amount of depletion is different.

Also, the game will display a score at the end of each game: it's the amount of cheese eaten, time played, and remaining vibes multiplied altogether. Keep your vibes up for as long as you can, and eat cheese and dodge goons as needed!

There have been some other changes made too:

- Mouse speed is now 1.5x faster relative to before.

- Most animations have been sped up to reduce down time.

- Sounds are now off by default; I don't quite like the sounds being used for the game currently, and will change them in the near future.

- The "How to Play?" section has now been slightly expanded as well.

- The Mouse is now yellow.

- The game icon has been updated.

And as usual, the game's code is available at the following repository:

For anyone that comes by, thanks for taking a look at Mouse Time, and I hope you'll try it out and have a great time :)

Happy Holidays,


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